second month of life

we had a fun filled weekend.

but before archer goes and turns 3 month old, i wanted to share his 2nd month video (may 2012)

does anyone else think counting baby age is weird?? weeks are different than months. for example… technically, archer turned 12 weeks last wednesday, but his 3 month birthday is july 4. confusing.

without further ado…

month two of life from Susanne Evangelista on Vimeo.

2 thoughts on “second month of life

  1. OK, we only watched it twice…so far. The end is soooo funny and cute.
    Both 12 weeks and 3 months are right. It’s good that way; more reasons to celebrate. Wish we could be there to share the joy of kissing those baby cheeks.


  2. Beautiful video and beautiful baby boy! Love it all. And Silas hiccuped in his sleep RIGHT as I was watching Archer hiccup. Must have known they were in utero at the same time! Ha!
    Also, when will we stop referring to them in weeks? Someday I’m sure I will refer to Silas as my 47 week old baby. Or when he’s going off to college, I’ll be saying, “But you’re only 219 months old!”
    Happy two months Archer! (almost 3!)


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